Arabic Sociolinguistics (2022)
Co-authors: Uri Horesh, Bruno Herin, Rudolph De Jong.
Publisher: Cambridge University Press 2022A comprehensive overview of sociolinguistic variation and linguistic change in Arabic. It introduces sociolinguistic theory, methods, and data step-by-step, using accessible language and extensive examples throughout. Topics covered include sociolinguistic methodology, social variables, language change, spatial variation, and contact and diffusion.
Forthcoming Book - A Grammar of Jordan Arabic (2025)
Authors: Bruno Herin and Enam Al-Wer
Publisher: Open Book Publishers (open access)
Expected 2025Based on empirical data collected over more than three decades, the book investigates the phonology and morphosyntax of Jordanian Arabic, with a focus on the traditional sedentary varieties of Central and Northern Jordan, locally known as Balgawi and Horani.
The Routledge Handbook of Arabic Sociolinguistics (2019)
Co-editor: Uri Horesh
This is a novel volume, which not only includes the traditional topics in variationist sociolinguistics, but also links the sociolinguistic enterprise to the history of Arabic and to applications of sociolinguistics beyond the theoretical treatment of variation. Newly formed trends, with an eye to future research, form the backbone of this volume.
Arabic Dialectology (2009)
In honour of Clives Holes on 60th birthday.
Co-author: Rudolph De Jong
Publisher: BrillMuch of the insight in the field of Arabic linguistics has for a long time remained unknown to linguists outside the field. Regrettably, Arabic data rarely feature in the formulation of theories and analytical tools in modern linguistics.
Arabic in the City (2007)
Editors: Miller, Caubet, Al-Wer, Watson
Publisher: Curzon / RoutledgeFilling a gap in the literature currently available on the topic, this edited collection is the first examination of the interplay between urbanization, language variation and language change in fifteen major Arab cities.
Studies in Arabic Linguistics
General co-editor with Elabbas Benmamoun
Publisher: BenjaminsThis book series aims to publish original research in all fields of Arabic linguistics, including – but not limited to – theoretical linguistics, historical linguistics, sociolinguistics, pragmatics, typology, and language acquisition.

Horesh, U., E. Al-Wer, M. Albohnayya, & D. Al-Ammar. Dialect contact and change in the Arabic feminine ending morpheme. Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics. (forthcoming 2022)
Al-Wer, E, U. Horesh, D. Alammar, H. Alaodini, A. Al-Essa, A. Al-Hawamdeh, K. Alqahtani, A. Hussain. 2020. Probing linguistic change in Arabic vernaculars: a sociohistorical perspective. Language in Society, 1-22. DOI:10.1017/S0047404520000706
Al-Wer, E. 2020. New dialect formation: the Amman dialect. In C. Lucas & S. Manfredi (eds.) Arabic and contact-induced language change: A Handbook. Berlin: Language Science Press. 551-566. DOI:10.5281/zenodo.3744549
Al-Wer, E. & M. Fanis. 2019. The commercialisation of linguistic expertise in the asylum vetting process. In C. Thurlow (ed.) The business of words. Wordsmiths, linguists and other language workers Routledge. 179-192.
Al-Wer, E. & U. Horesh. 2019. Arabic sociolinguistics: principles and epistemology. In E. Al-Wer & U. Horesh (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Arabic sociolinguistics. Oxford: Routledge. 1-11.
Al-Wer, E. & R. de Jong. 2018. Dialects of Arabic. In Ch. Boberg, J. Nerbonne, D. Watt (eds.) Handbook of Dialectology. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. 523-534.
Al-Wer, E. & K. Qahatani. 2016. Lateral fricative ḍād in Tihamat Qahtan: A quantitative sociolinguistic investigation. In S. Davis & U. Soltan (eds.) Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics. 151-169.
Al-Wer, E., U. Horesh, B. Herin. & M. Fanis. 2015. How regional features in Arabic become sectarian features: Jordan as a case study. Zeitschrift für Arabische Linguistik (ZAL), 62: 68-87.
Al-Wer, E. 2014. Yod-dropping in b-imperfect verb forms in Amman. In R. Khamis-Dakwar & K. Froud (eds.) Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics. Benjamins. 29-44.
Al-Wer, E. 2014. Language and Gender in the Middle East and North Africa. In Handbook of Language, Gender and Sexuality. 2nd edition. S. Ehrlich, M. Meyerhoff & J. Holmes (eds.). Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. 396-411
Herin, B. & E. Al-Wer. 2013. From phonological variation to grammatical change: depalatalisation of /č/ in Salti. In C. Holes & R. de Jong (eds.) Ingham of Arabia, a collection of articles presented as a tribute to the career of Bruce Ingham. Leiden: Brill. 55-73.
Al-Wer, E. 2013. Sociolinguistics. In Handbook of Arabic Linguistics. J. Owens (ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press. 241-263.
Al-Wer, E. & B. Herin. 2011. The lifecycle of Qaf in Jordan. Langage et Sociéte, 138: 59-76.
Al-Wer, E. 2009. Variation. In Encyclopaedia of Arabic Language and Linguistics. Kees Versteegh (ed.). Leiden: Brill. Vol IV 627-639.
Al-Wer, E. 2008. Phonological merger. In Encyclopaedia of Arabic Language and Linguistics. Leiden: Brill. Vol III, 603-605.
Al-Wer, E. 2008. Phonological split. In Encyclopaedia of Arabic Language and Linguistics. Vol III. Leiden: Brill. Vol II, 505-517
Al-Wer, E. Amman Arabic. 2007. In Encyclopaedia of Arabic Language and Linguistics (central articles). Leiden: Brill. Vol. II, 505-517.
Al-Wer, E. 2007. The formation of the dialect of Amman. In C. Miller, E. Al-Wer, D. Caubet, J. C. Watson (eds.) Arabic in the City. New York: Routledge. 55-76.
Al-Wer, E. 2005. The Arabic-speaking Middle East. In U. Ammon, N. Dittmar, K. Mattheier & P. Trudgill (eds.) Sociolinguistics, An International Handbook of the Science of Language and Society. Berlin: Walter De Gruyter. Chapter 189, 1917-1924.
Al-Wer, E. 2005. Variation in Arabic. In The Encyclopaedia of Language and Linguistics, 2nd edition. Oxford: Elsevier LTD.
Al-Wer, E. 2005. Jordan (language situation). In The Encyclopaedia of Language and Linguistics 2nd Edition. Oxford: Elsevier LTD.
Al-Wer, E. 2003. Variability reproduced: A variationist view of the [ḍ]/[ð̣] opposition in modern Arabic dialects. In K. Versteegh, M. Haak & R. de Jong (eds.) Approaches to Arabic Dialectology. Leiden: Brill. 21-31.
Al-Wer, E. 2003. New dialect formation: the focusing of –kum in Amman. In D. Britain & J. Cheshire Social Dialectology. In honour of Peter Trudgill. Amsterdam: Benjamins. 59-67.
Al-Wer, E. Jordanian and Palestinian dialects in contact: vowel raising in Amman. 2002. In Mari Jones & Edith Esch (eds.) Language Change. The interplay of internal, external and Extra-linguistic factors. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 63-79.
Al-Wer, E. 2002. Education as a Speaker Variable. In Aleya Rouchdy (ed.) Language Contact and Language Conflict in Arabic. Variations on a sociolinguistic theme. London: Routledge Curzon. 41-53.
Al-Wer, E. 2000. Raising of /a/ and related vocalic movements in the emerging dialect of Amman. In M. Mifsud (ed.), Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference of Association Internationale de Dialectologie Arabe (AIDA), Malta: Salesian Press. 77-83.
Al-Wer, E. 1999. Language and identity: the Chechens and the Circassians in Jordan. Dirasat (refereed interdisciplinary journal, University of Jordan). 253-268
Al-Wer, E. 1999. Why do different variables behave differently? Data from Arabic. In Y. Suleiman (ed.), Language and Society in the Middle East and North Africa, Studies in Variation and Identity, Surrey: Curzon Press. 38-58.
Al-Wer, E. 1997. Arabic between reality and ideology. International Journal of Applied Linguistics 7(2): 251-265.
*Some of my papers can be viewed at: https://essex.academia.edu/EnamAlWer